30 Day Singer Review 2023: Is It The Best Online Singing Lessons?

The course itself is interesting, diversified, and educational, promising and delivering the results in only 30 days. For the number of lessons provided, the price is very affordable. The lessons covered in this online singing course is suitable for beginners with bonuses that can help even intermediate and advanced learners despite it being marketed solely towards beginners.

Course Outline
While the courses are detailed and very easy to understand for beginners, some of the content of this online singing course is more appropriate for advanced learners than novices.

Value for Money
Despite the fact that this course contains an extensive list of comprehensive lessons, it is, unfortunately, a subscription-based online class.

Instead of the usual downloadable video and audio exercises, most online singing courses promote, this course is only available online. No internet, no access.

Student Feedback
Being relatively new, there is not a lot of feedback from students. They do have a forum but have more questions rather than testimonials. The few testimonials on their website, however, are positive.
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As we continue to look for the best online singing lessons, we came across this relatively new online singing course called the 30 Day Singer. While it does not teach you how to become a better singer overnight, it still gives you sufficient knowledge and training to become a better singer in a month’s time.
Is this really the best online singing program out there? Does it truly deliver results? Worry no more. In this 30 Day Singer review, we will take a look at the contents of this course and find out if it deserves to be known as one of the best online singing courses in 2020.
What Is The 30 Day Singer & How Does It Work?
This online subscription-based singing class has been around since 2018. It boasts of an extensive amount of lessons and different instructors that can guide you on your way to becoming the singer you dream of becoming all in 30 days!
You may opt for a monthly plan or a yearly payment plan for your subscription and then, like Pandora’s box except that everything in it is good instead of chaotic, you get open access to every lesson, warm-up, and exercise they have available on their website.
Who Is the 30 Day Singer Suitable For?
The official website (1) says that this course is suitable for beginners. True to their word, the first phase of the lessons are perfectly tailored to anyone who wants to begin learning how to sing. It tackles the different voices, proper breathing and posture, and many other things that beginners need to learn as basics before they can progress further into becoming better singers.
However, going further into the list of lessons, it becomes very obvious that these lessons are also beneficial for intermediate and even advanced singers. Things such as major, minor, pentatonic and blues scales, as well as arpeggios and the like, are covered. All technical stuff that can be of more benefit to the intermediate or advanced singer.
What Makes The 30 Day Singer Unique?
They have an official forum (2) that students can access to form or to become a part of a community of students and instructors. Students can look for advice and tips, promote collaboration, and even ask the instructors for help in their training.
The course also boasts of different, professional instructors. Liking your teacher is a crucial part of learning and this course provides students with three different instructors they can choose from. This gives them the freedom of choice and a bigger opportunity to learn in a fun, comfortable manner.
Last but not least, it has always been sort of an issue with online singing courses that it can become rather impersonal because it is not as closely monitored as you would be if you attend a vocal coaching session in a studio. This online singing course bridges that problem by providing one-on-one sessions with their instructors for an extra fee.
Who Created The 30 Day Singer?
There is not much knowledge as to who is the person behind this interesting online singing course. However, what we do know is that this workshop is created by GuitarTricks Inc., the very same people who created the most popular online guitar course to this day: Guitar Tricks (3).
What Does the Program Consist Of?
The courses are divided into 5 sections and each section contains the following:
30 Day Beginner Course:
This section is crucial for beginners. It discusses the most basic technical information needed in order to start learning how to sing.
- Introduction and a quick vocal warm-up technique
- Posture and breathing
- Vocal anatomy
- Cord compression
- Different types of voices
- Improving your range
- Tone, growth and dynamics
- Belting, falsetto, vibrato and vocal fry
- Runs, turns and falls
- Song analysis
- Phrasing and style
- All about performance anxiety
30 Day Singer Course:
After the last session, you can now progress deeper into technical knowledge as well as learn how to apply them to your current singing voice. This is a little bit more advanced but still well-suited for beginners.
- What is your vocal range
- Major and Minor scales, triads and relative minors
- Singing and strumming rhythms
- Song training
- Smoothing out vocal breaks
- Scales and Scale degrees
- Vibrato
- Arpeggio and Swing Rhythms
- Vocal agility
- Pentatonic and Blues Scales
Advanced Lessons
The advanced lessons consist of 5-6 additional lessons that are a perfect follow up to the 30-day technical singing lessons. They add bonus lessons on how to refine your voice just the way you prefer. Personally, however, I see these lessons better suited for intermediate learners.
Extra Lessons
These extra lessons are also accessible once you subscribe to this online singing course. Advanced courses like these tackle singing harmony that is not often discussed in online singing courses. So it is a pleasant surprise to see it discussed in this program. All your bases are covered, so to speak.
Warm-ups and Vocal Health
Finally, this section is extremely important for all levels – beginner to advanced. Caring for your voice and proper warm-ups are something that many people tend to overlook. This course ensures that you have a fair selection of helpful warm-ups and lessons on keeping your vocal health up to par.
How Can I Know If The 30 Day Singer Is Not A Scam?
Despite being relatively new, this course has already received many awards these past 3 years. Twice, this online singing course has won the silver Davey Awards and then eventually snatched the Gold Davey Award.
Featuring Reagan James from the voice as an instructor in one of their bonus programs, you are assured that this online singing course is no scam at all. This course does not only allow you to test out their vast curriculum for free, but it also has a 30-day risk free money-back guarantee.
30 Day Singer Real Unbiased Text and Video Testimonials
On their website, this online singing program also boasts of testimonials from successful students such as these:
According to the official website.
On a YouTube video of one of their instructors, Jon Statham, there are also positive comments regarding the course:
Like many online singing courses, this course, no matter how impressive the lessons are, is not exempted from criticisms. Take this Reddit comment (5) for example:
Video Reviews & Results
My Final Verdict
My rating for the 30 Day Singer is 3.4/5.
The amount of information, exercises, and warm-ups available in this program allow it to be one of the best online singing courses out there. The freedom it allows you in choosing your own instructor is unique and is shockingly a positive experience. You would think that different instructors might cause a conflict in information but this is not the case at all.
Different teaching methods are more effective to certain groups of people and having different instructors with different insights and different teaching styles sharing the same information truly helps bridge that gap. This also means students can choose an instructor that they can relate to.
The forums provided are also helpful in building community as well as interacting with the instructors on a more personal level. Additionally, if you are in need of a vocal coach, then the ability to hire one of the professional instructors for one-on-one sessions is a godsend.
I can see that there can be improvements made such as adding downloadable materials for students, make it more of a one-time payment rather than a subscription, spread their lessons out and include intermediate and advanced singers in their marketing campaign as well as make the course available in more platforms, including offline.
Still, the content of this course is so impressive and varied that beginners can truly see themselves shine in a span of 30 days. Even intermediate level and advanced singers will gain something from the lessons and bonus videos included in this amazing course.
Frequently Asked Questions
- https://www.30daysinger.com/
- https://www.30daysinger.com/forums
- https://www.guitartricks.com/?utm_expid=.v88peW7pRVya3ULC01-DAQ.0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
- https://www.30daysinger.com/trial?a_aid=5d6aca4493f65&a_bid=c838cbac
- https://www.reddit.com/r/singing/comments/9ov42v/30_day_singer_review/e7x6ufn/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/singing/comments/9ov42v/30_day_singer_review/e7x6ufn/