Piano For All Review 2023: Is It The Best Online Piano Course?

Piano For All Reviews 2020

All in all, Pianoforall is an amazing course for beginners and people who are looking to improve their skills in playing the piano. Not only is it extremely affordable, but it is also being updated constantly so you can be sure that you will never run out of lessons and exercises to do.


Course Outline

The course outline is perfectly paced starting from easy-to-follow lessons and exercises before moving on to more complicated ones. However, there seems to be a lack of discussion regarding the technical aspects of playing the piano.


Value for Money

With the number of lessons, exercises, and the 9+1 bonus ebooks that come with this course, this online piano lesson is extremely affordable and well worth your money.


Not only is the Pianoforall available on all platforms it is also available as an offline download which means you do not need to be online to study or wait for the buffering to finish.


Student Feedback

There is plenty of feedback from students all over the internet when it comes to Pianoforall and the majority are all positive.

  • Does not bore you with theory and jumps right into playing music
  • Helps you make use of your left hand when you play
  • Uses popular songs instead of classical pieces which makes it easier for students
  • The visual aids facilitate easier learning and understanding
  • Encourages students to practice their musicality by allowing them to listen and play as well as predict melody and rhythm
  • Lessons are straightforward and easy to understand
  • Lessons are straightforward and easy to understand
  • Affordable and constantly updating
  • Available offline and in many different platforms
  • Does not go in-depth in teaching technique
  • Does not go in-depth in teaching technique
  • No focus in reading sheet music which is a useful skill to have
  • Not ideal for people who want to play classical music

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For only 20 to 30 minutes a day, you will notice an improvement in your playing after only a couple of days! The customer service for this best online piano lessons is also impressive and the quick response from Robin Hall is as close as one can get to having a live coach while taking an online course.

If you have tried playing the piano before but stopped because of a busy schedule or if you only know how to play by ear and wish to improve, then this article is for you. 

These days, more and more classes are popping up online to teach us just about everything within the confines of our own home, including learning how to play the piano! 

But is this course worth the investment? Let us find out in this Piano For All review.

What Is Pianoforall & How Does It Work?

Pianoforall is an online course based on Udemy (1) that is designed to help beginners improve their skills in playing the piano. It comes with 200 video lessons, 500 audio tunes and exercises, and 9+1 ebook workbooks that students can use during their lessons to help them learn better.

Who Is Pianoforall Suitable For?

This online piano lesson is created for beginners in the teenager to adult age range. The lessons included are for people who want to start learning or have little background in playing the piano. Its goal is to help them play and sound like a pro in only a few days just by taking 20-30 minute lessons each day. 

However, the course does not include teaching in-depth techniques in learning more progressive music but only the basics.

But if you are just after the basics, then ready your instrument because all you need to start learning is a piano or an electric keyboard.

What Makes Pianoforall Unique?

There are so many reasons why Pianoforall is unique. 

First off, it has lessons and updates that anyone can get – for no additional price! That’s on top of having lifetime access to all content once you enroll, so that’s true value for your money.  

Pianoforall also has excellent customer service. You only need to record your issues or concerns, and a coach will get a hold of you once the recording reaches them. 

Finally, course creator Robin Hall is a psychologist as well. He has an e-book that helps encourage and motivate students to keep going whenever they feel pressured. 

Aside from that, the bonus content you get from this course, such as songs and instructions on how to set up a MIDI keyboard, are all in the e-book. It just shows the level of consideration this course has for each of the students. 

Who Created Pianoforall?


Robin Hall is the creator behind Pianoforall. He is a pianist and a therapist who has been helping people with anxiety, anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia through cognitive behavioral therapy. 

He created the online piano course so he can share his passion for music and provide assistance to those who want to learn how to play the piano. This course already has over 250,000 students worldwide since it began in 2016.

What Does the Program Consist Of?

The program consists of over 200 video lessons divided into 10 books. It also has over 500 exercises and songs that they can use to practice with their newly-acquired skills. 

Each section comes with an e-book that the students can learn from for a exceptional grasp of the lessons. The books are as follows:

Book #1: Party Time – Rhythm Style Piano

Party Time

The first book jumps right into playing music, showing you different three-key chords on the piano that are very similar to the chords used in guitars. 

It aims at building a steady foundation for learning through watching and listening and encourages the students to learn how to play music first before worrying about the theory behind it. 

The book also includes learning 11 basic chords and ten rhythms that are often used in songs as well as basic musical notations like rhythm and rests. 

Book #2: Blues & Rock N’ Roll

Blues and Rock

This next book adds five more additional chords to add to the first ones you learned in book one, expanding the number of chords you can play at this point. The chords you will learn from this book are often heard in Rock N’ Roll type of music.

Book #3: Chord Magic

Chord Magic

Book three can get a little bit overwhelming, as it teaches you every chord for each key as well as the inversions for each of them. 

However, this book does not leave you suffering from that huge memory dump without any help. Along with this large amount of information is a technique that you can use to make remembering the chords easier as well as lots of practice to help you with memorization.

Book #4: Advanced Chords Made Easy

Advance Chords

This fourth book, as the title suggests, gives you a lesson in advanced chords but provides you with a couple of lifehacks and guidelines that help you memorize them by imitating music played by famous musicians like Barry Manilow and the Beatles.  

Book #5: Ballad Style

Ballad Style

The fifth book focuses on teaching students how to play the ballad style and get better at improvisation. It also tackles predicting melody and chord progression and improving the playing speed of the left hand. 

Book #6: All That Jazz & Blues

All that Jazz

This book once again is quite heavy on the content as it is all about jazz and blues. It includes learning about chords, scales, and other tricks a pianist uses when playing songs of this specific genre. 

Aside from that, it teaches students how to play jazz the easy way just by letting them watch and imitate the steps from video lessons.

Book #7: Advanced Blues & Fake Stride

Advance Blues

The seventh book adds even more melodies and tunes that you can use when you play blues. It also follows up on the lessons in the second book as well as improve the speed and accuracy of your right hand while you play.

Book #8: Taming The Classics

Taming the Classics

The eighth book finally starts you on the classics. This section relies heavily on sheet music, and Robin Hall does not fail to provide you with all the information you need to be able to read sheet music. 

What sets this course apart is that it sticks by its teaching style, which is to listen to the music and listen to familiar rhythms that you have learned in the previous books to take in the new material easily.  

Book #9: Speed Learning 

Speed Leaning

I think Robin Hall was very clever in naming this book, as it deals with the more technical stuff, such as scales, triads, and arpeggios. Because of the title of the book, many students find themselves eager to delve into the lessons. 

Hall does not disappoint as his discussions on these aspects of playing the piano remains short, simple, and easy to understand.

Bonus Book: Bumper Resource Book

Bumper Resources

While the first 9 books are specifically there to help you to improve your piano playing, this tenth book is special. It deals with the more psychological aspect of playing the piano, such as focus, inspiration, and finding creativity in order to retain the drive to keep playing.

Is Pianoforall A Reputable Online Piano Lesson? (Not A Scam)

You have probably attempted to look for Pianoforall scam reviews online. But with all the information from articles, testimonials, and video reviews, I think it is safe to say that Pianoforall is definitely not a scam. 

The course is hosted by Udemy, which is a legitimate website that hosts many online lessons. It also allows for a very generous 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee if you think you have not learned at all or find the course not suitable for what you are after. 

Additionally, this online course has been around for 4 years now and has taught over 250,000 students worldwide according to their website (3). Their customer service is phenomenal and they are quite easy to risk if you find yourself struggling with anything related to the course or even payment issues.

Piano For All is a fairly popular online piano course. Plenty of people have taken it, paid for it, and put a review or shared their thoughts about it on the internet. Therefore, if it was a scam, you would be reading reviews about how this course cannot be trusted. Instead, you can find positive reviews, most of them are singing praise about how the course has worked well for them. 

Pianoforall Real Unbiased Text And Video Testimonials:

I went through this course’s official accounts as well as other websites to find legitimate reviews. To keep it fair and honest, I tried to look for both good and bad reviews. I was surprised to find out that this course barely had any bad reviews. Even on a site like Reddit where people are known to be more critical, I was only able to find one. Without further ado, here are a few unbiased reviews for this course:

Piano for all review

According to a YouTube user from the Pianoforall Sample Lesson Video (2).

Piano for all review1

According to a Reddit user from this thread (4).

However, as with all things, not all of the reviews are positive. As I have mentioned previously, there was one slightly off Piano For All review from a student who decided to post their thoughts on Reddit:

Piano for all review2

According to a Reddit user from this thread (5).

In order to be fair, we cannot leave the testimonials their students send them. And so, to finish this section off, let us go and take a look at some of the reviews posted on the official website.

Book Title

Each review also contains a lengthier explanation of how these online piano lessons have helped them play better. If you want to check them out you can go to the testimonial section of their website here (6).

Video Reviews & Results

Our Rating:

My Final Verdict

For the Pianoforall online singing course, I’m rating it a 4/5.

It is true: the course does not teach you much when it comes to reading sheet music and is therefore not the most ideal course to take if you plan to play classical. However, it is one of the easiest, most comprehensive online courses for people who want to start playing the piano or get back to it. Specifically, it is for people who plan to play songs on the piano. 

For an incredibly affordable price, you get 9 books plus a bonus book to provide you with all the help you need in understanding the course. The lifetime access to the constantly updating content is also invaluable, making sure you get the best lessons as soon as they are up on the website.

The enormous amount of 200 video lessons as well as the 500 exercises you can use to practice the skills you just learned as well as daily exercises are well worth the small price that you pay for Pianoforall

On top of it all, the lessons do not only end the day with teaching you how to be better at the piano but prepare your mind to the obstacles you might experience while learning, such as losing focus or lacking inspiration.

This online piano lesson will have you start learning the piano with ease and keep you learning!

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. https://www.udemy.com/course/pianoforall-incredible-new-way-to-learn-piano-keyboard/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t79QvigfvnU
  3. https://pianoforall.com/
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/3s5ufv/wanting_to_learn_piano_online_comparing_sites/
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/998gpo/is_pianoforall_worth_it/
  6. https://pianoforall.com/testimonials
  7. https://www.youtube.com/user/thepian0man